Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bye Bye Obertan

Newcastle United have signed Gabriel Obertan from Manchester United for an undisclosed fee. Manager Alan Pardew believes the former France Under-21 international will bring much-needed pace to the side.

The 22-year-old winger completed a medical on Monday and has penned a five-year-deal at St James' Park. 

The coach told Newcastle’s official website: “Gabriel is a player I've watched for the last couple of seasons since he arrived at Manchester United.

“He has great pace and excellent technique and he has improved his power in the last 12 months and is ready now to make a real impact in the Premier League.

“I contacted Sir Alex about him early at the start of the summer to see if there was an opportunity to bring him to Newcastle, but it wasn't until Wayne Routledge joined Swansea that we were able to bring him in.

"His best years are ahead of him which is exactly what we want at this club, and with the backing of our magnificent fans I'm sure he will prove an excellent signing for us."

Obertan joins Demba Ba, Yohan Cabaye, Sylvain Marveaux and Mehdi Abeid as the latest French-born addition to Pardew’s squad since the transfer window opened.

The French winger will go into Newcastle’s squad for their first Premier League game of the season at home to Arsenal.

- Courtesy of Goal.com -

Akhirnya Gabriel Obertan berpindah ke Newcastle setelah dua musim menyarung jersi MU. Bagi aku beliau merupakan pemain yang berbakat. Seorang winger yang pantas dan mempunyai teknik kawalan bola yang menarik. Tetapi permainannya kurang konsisten dan bergelut untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan permainan MU. Bahkan rakan2 seposisinya seperti Valencia, Nani & Park nyata terlalu sukar untuk diketepikan sebagai pemain utama. Ditambah pula dengan kemasukan Ashley Young, beliau kelihatan mustahil untuk bermain dalam pasukan musim ini. Apa yang pasti, perpindahan Obertan ke Newcastle adalah tepat dalam usahanya untuk bermain setiap minggu. Menyerlah atau tidak, ia bergantung pada percaturan Alan Pardew musim ini.

Monday, August 8, 2011

FA Community Shield 2011 : Man Utd 3 - 2 Man City

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahteraiinye pun adoi.

Kegatalan jejari runcing untuk menaip kembali lagi. Kalau sebelum ni aku menyumbangkan pendapat yang tak seberapa pasal kekalahan skuad Malaysia tempoh hari. Kali ni aku nak borak pasal kemenangan Man United semalam dan secebis pendapat aku mengenai pemain2 berjersi merah ni. Yeah, seronok bukan kepalang bila tengok MU menjulang FA Community Shield di Stadium Wembley. Lebih manis kejayaan ini diperoleh hasil kemenangan ke atas rival, tak lain tak bukan, Man City dengan keputusan akhir 3-2.

Tengok game semalam kat mana?
Rumah sudah. Kalau kat mapley memang aku kena duduk depan skrin. Rabun punya pasal. Lagipun dengan tiga pembelian baru MU, aku kena tengok betul2 camne diorang ni boleh adapt dengan taktikal Sir Alex Ferguson (SAF). So memang tak la aku nak komen sangat pasal permainan City. Bukan team favourite aku pun.

Okay. Starting eleven. Komen sikit?
Sangat mengejutkan aku. David De Gea di posisi goalkeeper (dengan jersi no.1 pulak tu). Chris Smalling di posisi rightback dan Danny Welbeck bergandingan dengan Rooney di bahagian serangan. Terdiam aku sejenak. SAF menyenaraikan pemain yang benar2 menyerlah ketika kunjungan pra-musim ke US baru-baru ni. Aku tak nafikan, Smalling dan Welbeck sangat menyerlah time tu. Bagaimana dengan De Gea? Mungkin SAF hendak membiasakan penjaga gol barunya itu dengan tekanan bermain dalam game besar camni. Yang pasti ia satu perjudian yang berani. Sangat berani.

Pemain lain?
Ferdinand, Vidic & Evra masih kekal utuh di posisi mereka. Sayap kiri diisi pembelian terbaru dari Aston Villa, Ashley Young manakala sayap kanan milik Nani yang menggunakan peluang keemasan ini lantaran kecederaan Antonio Valencia. Di midfield center, posisi yang telah menjadi topik perbualan hangat sejak Paul Scholes bersara, Michael Carrick bergandingan dengan Anderson. Apapun spekulasi Wesley Sneijder telahpun terjawab selepas match ni.

Permainan MU ketika 1st half?
Bagi aku sangat positif. Ketika City gagal untuk menguasai bola, MU lebih selesa mengawal permainan. Ashley Young berfungsi dengan baik di bahagian sayap kiri dan Micah Richards nampak kepenatan diasak beliau. Larian Welbeck cukup untuk mengkucar-kacirkan pertahanan City. Dia hanya perlu lebih agresif menghidu peluang di hadapan gol. Anderson pula tenang di posisi tengah menjadikan Yaya Toure gagal untuk bermain cemerlang. Bahkan menenggelami permainan Carrick yang nampak struggle kali ni. Rooney dan Nani, kekal berbahaya dengan permainan satu dua mereka.

Bolos 2 gol mudah. Apa pasal?
Haa, yang tu aku menggaru kepala jugak la. Attack dah cantik dah tapi defend teruk sikit. Dari Malaysia sampai Liverpool, apa memang musim defend tak boleh cari makan kot sekarang. First gol bolos sebab Ferdinand miss header bola free kick David Silva. Lescott senang hati je score dengan dahi berparut dia tu. Geram jugak la tengok MU bolos melalui set piece. De Gea memang tak boleh buat apa pun. Tapi untuk gol kedua, tiada alasan. Memang defend MU agak leka, tapi sepatutnya De Gea mampu menepis keluar rembatan kencang dari Dzeko. So, pembelian 17 juta pound ini harus segera sedar yang dia bukan lagi bermain untuk Athletico Madrid, tapi di salah sebuah kelab terbesar di dunia. Jika berterusan begini, tak mustahil namanya akan tersenarai sebaris dengan Fabien Barthez dan Massimo Taibi.

Pertukaran separuh masa kedua. Cleverley, Phil Jones & Evans menggantikan Ferdinand, Vidic & Carrick. Komen?
Tepat pada masanya. Gol pertama City memang jelas hasil kesilapan Ferdinand. Untuk gol kedua, Vidic seharusnya pantas menutup ruang untuk Dzeko merembat dari jauh. Manakala pergerakan Carrick sangat perlahan untuk mengikuti rentak permainan pantas MU.

Separuh masa kedua?
Hak milik MU. Mengawal bola dengan baik, lancar ketika menyerang dan City hanya mampu terdiam kaku. Gol pertama hasil free kick Ashley Young yang mudah ditolak masuk Smalling tatkala tiada pemain mengawal nya. Kemasukan Cleverley menambahkan kepantasan dan hantaran satu dua darinya sangat menakjubkan. Ini terbukti dengan permainan one touch dari beliau, Rooney dan Nani untuk menghasilkan gol penyamaan yang sangat menarik. Last aku menyaksikan MU bermain camni adalah ketika C.Ronaldo, Rooney dan Tevez bergandingan. Tiga tahun lepas. Hahaha.

Gol kemenangan dari Nani?
Sebaik saja Berbatov masuk menggantikan Welbeck, aku merasakan bahawa game akan berlanjutan ke penalti. Kerana Berbatov memang ada kemampuan mengambil sepakan penalti berbanding Welbeck. Yang pasti bukan untuk melakukan kejutan di minit2 akhir perlawanan. Hehehe. Mungkin Nani tidak mahu mengambil sepakan penalti. Ketika City mengasak, pertahanan MU mengeluarkan bola dari kawasan bahaya. Nani yang berseorangan di atas berjaya merampas bola dari Kompany seterusnya memperdayakan Joe Hart dengan larian solo nya untuk gol kemenangan di masa kecederaan. Okay SAF, selepas ini anda bukan sahaja mempunyai masalah lebihan striker, tetapi juga perebutan tempat untuk bahagian sayap terutama apabila Valencia pulih dari kecederaannya nanti.

David De Gea, di separuh masa kedua?
Berjaya mengembalikan keyakinan setelah goyah di separuh masa pertama. Khususnya apabila berjaya menepis percubaan kencang Adam Johnson. Terdapat beberapa siri menyelamat darinya namun masih sukar untuk kita melupakan kesilapan mudahnya di awal permainan.

Gandingan Phil Jones dan Evans?
Jarang diuji dek kerana City kehilangan arah di separuh masa kedua. Namun terus menunjukkan potensi dan masa depan mereka pasti cerah di Old Trafford.

Apa yang positif selepas game ni?
Ketiadaan Paul Scholes memaksa SAF untuk merubah corak permainan MU. Bukan keseluruhan. Kadang-kala cuba bereksperimen dengan bermain hantaran pendek sekitar kotak penalti. Hanya Ashley Young berlegar di kawasan sayap manakala Nani lebih ke tengah bergandingan dengan Rooney. Welbeck pula menggunakan kepantasan beliau untuk menyelinap di celah pertahanan City. Kemasukan Cleverley benar2 merancakkan permainan MU dengan Anderson lebih diberikan free role berbanding musim lalu. Smalling pula nampak selesa dengan posisi barunya dan sekali sekala ancamannya dari bahagian kanan sangat berkesan. Guess what? Skuad kali ini juga dipenuhi dengan pemain2 England! Of course la, Man Utd kan kelab England.

Ferdinand, Vidic & Carrick. Persembahan mereka?
Agak mengecewakan. Termasuk Evra. Harus meningkatkan mutu permainan seiring dengan kredibiliti mereka. Yang pasti, starting eleven bukan lagi tempat automatik buat mereka tatkala pemain muda seperti Smalling, Jones, Fabio & Cleverley sentiasa mengintai peluang.

De Gea atau Lindegaard?
Lindegaard. De Gea masih muda dan ada potensi namun memerlukan masa untuk menyesuaikan diri. Biarkan dia bermain untuk League Cup & FA Cup.

Peluang mempertahankan kejuaraan BPL untuk kali ke-20?
Cukup lah dengan pemain yang ada sekarang, peluang MU memang cerah. Kemenangan ke atas City menceritakan segalanya. Tambahan pula setakat ini Arsenal, City, Chelsea, Liverpool & Spurs nampak agak goyah dengan pelbagai masalah. Namun masih ada masa untuk pasukan2 ini melakukan perubahan.

Habis, Wesley Sneijder camne?
Dia dah boleh pergi jahanam. Letih la bila bukak goal.com penuh gambar & cerita pasal dia je. Bukan hebat mana pun. Bagi aku, dia dah tua la. Aku rela MU beli Mario Gotze (Dortmund) ataupun Ki Sung-Yueng (Celtic) sebagai pesaing Cleverley dibahagian tengah.

Dengan pemain muda yang MU ada sekarang, jurang perbezaan semakin mengecil. Tak jauh dah tu!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Rumah Dah Lama Siap, Tapi Pahat Masih Berbunyi

Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahteraiiinye punn adoooiii.

Agak lama jugak aku tak merapu dalam blog ni. Gatal pulak jejari runcing ni nak menaip. Hehe. Okay lah. Merujuk pada entri dan gambar paling stylo dari Safee Sali & Amirulhadi di atas, rasanya semua rakyat Malaysia tau yang harapan kita nak masuk World Cup 2014 dah pun berkecai. Kita tumbang dengan agak teruk pada Singapore. Menangis air mata darah sekalipun takde gunanya pun adoi terberrrrr~

Kecewa? Wajib. Ye lah, pada pendapat aku ni la team terbaik yang Malaysia pernah hasilkan sepanjang 24 tahun aku hidup. Memang jauh lagi kalau nak compete dengan negara Asia lain macam Jepun & Korea Selatan. Tapi dengan kejayaan kita menakluki Asia Tenggara, bolehlah dikatakan bahawa kita dah maju setapak dalam kemajuan bola sepak. Kita ada powerful striker & great finisher Safee Sali, technically gifted & skillful dribbler Norshahrul Idlan Talaha, pacey & hardworking winger S.Kunanlan, dead ball master & midfield maestro Safiq Rahim, young & talented defender Muslim Ahmad & charismatic goalkeeper Khairul Fahmi Che Mat (ada macam game Football Manager sikit tak ayat2 aku?). Ditambah dengan barisan pemain mantap lain yang kita ada, sah Singapore bukan ancaman besar buat team Malaysia. Kemenangan memang sudah dalam jangkaan semua peminat bola sepak tempatan.

Jangan lupa, dalam masa seminggu sebelum 1st leg game kat Singapore, kita melayan kunjungan 3 kelab separa hebat dari BPL (kelab terhebat pulak pergi tour kat US. Hehehe.) Ya, dari situ lah kelemahan kita terserlah. Dengan Arsenal kita bolos 4 tanpa balas, dengan Liverpool kita bolos 6 walaupun kita score 3 bijik. Dengan Chelsea kita hanya tewas 1-0 hasil jaringan Didier Drogba yang bagi aku tak masuk pun. Linesman kena laser agak nya. Tu pun Malaysia hanya turunkan skuad Olimpik bimbingan Ong Kim Swee. Nampak? Tak? Okay, apa kata kita undur sikit ke match sebelum tu. Kelayakan Piala Dunia 2014 pusingan pertama, Malaysia berhempas pulas mengatasi Taiwan dengan agregat 4-4. Layak ke pusingan kedua berdasarkan gol tempat lawan. Jelaskan? Hakikatnya, kita mampu untuk mengasak dan menjaringkan gol, namun untuk mengelakkan kesilapan mudah khususnya di bahagian pertahanan, amat diragui. Aku harapkan Datuk K.Rajagobal dah sedar & mempunyai jalan penyelesaiannya sendiri. Tapi aku silap.

1st leg match, Stadium Jalan Besar Singapore. Malaysia bangkit mengejar di separuh masa kedua setelah ketinggalan 4-1 di separuh masa pertama. Jaringan Abdul Hadi Yahya & Safee Sali merapatkan kedudukan kepada 4-3! Reaksi aku time tu, cukup lah. Just kekalkan kedudukan ni. 2nd leg nanti kita hanya perlu dapatkan 1 gol je. Ayuh, bertahan lah Malaysia!


Seorang pakcik (warganegara Yugoslavia) yang berumur 41 tahun dan berketinggian 1.90m, layaknya duduk di rumah sambil menonton berita jam 8 bersama keluarga tercinta, dengan senang hatinya melakukan turning shot dihadapan Muslim Ahmad & bola melepasi jangkauan Khairul Fahmi untuk gol kelima Singapore. Bukan pembohongan, tapi kenyataan. Ni lah akibat nya bila sikap menghormati warga tua dibawa masuk dalam padang. Makan diri la jawabnya. Tolonglah belajar dari kesilapan ye Muslim. Kedudukan 5-3 kekal sampai wisel penamat. Owh, lupa. Safiq Rahim dapat kad merah dalam match ni.

Banyak jugak komen yang aku dengar dari peminat di Malaysia untuk kekalahan kali ni. Padang tiruan? Minor! Bagi aku dalam hal ni, tiada alasan. Kelemahan di barisan pertahanan. Diakui sendiri oleh Datuk K.Rajagobal. Masa tu ramai mintak centre-back, S.Subramaniam dimasukkan untuk pertemuan di Bukit Jalil nanti. Superb jugak aku tengok dia main time lawan Chelsea. Pandai baca game. Main dengan Kelantan pun okay. Tapi Datuk K.Rajagobal still berkeras nak guna player yang ada sekarang. Dah biasa katanya. Baiklah. Terserah anda.

Apa pun jurulatih negara masih mempunyai lima hari untuk memperbaiki segala kelemahan dan kepincangan skuad negara dan hanya satu malam sahaja untuk membuktikan kemampuan taktikalnya.

Khamis 28 Julai 2011,

Satu hari yang membuatkan aku banyak kali jugak tengok kalendar. Apa taknya. Bukak radio, lagu2 patriotik berkumandang setiap 5 minit. Dah macam hari Merdeka beb. Kalau topik bersembang, takde lain dah. Semua mengharapkan kita mampu menjinakkan sang singa. Haish, bangga pulak rasanya. Tak sangka rakyat Malaysia boleh bersatu kerana bola sepak. Hehehe. Kat newsfeed FB, jangan harap la status2 jiwang. Takdenye orang nak komen @ like. Semua pasal bola. Baik laki baik pompuan. Hebat kan? Btw, ramai jugak member2 yang tengok live kat stadium. Ada jugak yang mengajak. So sorry sebab aku memang tak dapat nak follow sebab ada hal kat KLIA haritu. Dah setel semua hal terus bergegas balik rumah. Takut terlepas beb. Game penting ni! Sebelum tu singgah kedai jap beli air dan kacang cap Ngan Yin. "Baru semangat sikit nak tengok!" ujar Along pada ku sambil tersipu-sipu malu.

Channel 801, Astro Arena. Seperti yang dijangka. Dah tiketnya pun sold out. Hampir 90 000 penonton memenuhi ruang Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil. Ibarat mengimbau memori ketika kita membenam Indonesia di Piala AFF tahun lalu. Warna biru dan kuning mewarnai kaca televisyen jenama JVC rumah aku. Memang meriah beb. Seronok la siapa yang ada kat sana time tu. Bila je lagu Negaraku dimainkan, aku rasa hampir semua sing along. Big thumbs up la untuk korang kat stadium! Semangat camtu la yang kita mau.

Macam biasa kalau tengok match bola, 1st sekali aku tengok starting line-up. Hmmmmm, ada yang aku dah jangka tapi ada jugak yang buat aku kecewa. Okay, Khairul Fahmi & Aidil Zafuan kembali untuk memperkuatkan benteng menggantikan Sharbinee & Muslim. Tapi Abdul Hadi Yahya & Ismail Faruqi menggantikan Safiq Rahim (kad merah) dan Norshahrul Idlan (cedera)? Maybe Datuk K.Rajagobal ada perancangan taktikal di situ. Hopefully...

Al-kisahnya, 1st half yang serba tak menjadi. Segala gerakan mati di kawasan midfield. Di bahagian sayap pula, Amirul Hadi & S.Kunanlan dirantai ketat. Tak banyak yang mampu dilakukan Safee Sali di bahagian atas. Jarang sekali mendapat peluang. Sebaliknya Singapore pula yang selesa mengawal bola berbanding Malaysia. Seolah-olah mereka ingin mencari satu gol untuk menutup terus impian Malaysia. Pertahanan Malaysia yang diketuai Aidil Zafuan (yang kemudiannya dikeluarkan akibat kecederaan dan digantikan Muslim Ahmad) terus-terusan diuji. Terima kasih buat Khairul Fahmi yang beraksi cemerlang layaknya seperti Van Der Sar pada aku. Beberapa kali menyelamatkan pintu gol Malaysia dari dibolosi barisan serangan Singapura yang rakus. Hanya satu peluang keemasan diperolehi pasukan Malaysia pada separuh masa pertama. Hasil gerakan bijak Safee Sali & S.Kunanlan. Selainnya jelas milik Singapura yang mengasak hebat sehingga ke wisel penamat separuh masa pertama.

Rakyat Malaysia terus berharap sesuatu yang positif bakal berlaku. Tidak boleh tidak, Datuk K.Rajagobal perlu melakukan perubahan drastik untuk 45 minit seterusnya.

Komen sikit? Okay, Abdul Hadi Yahya bukanlah seorang attacking midfield bagi menggantikan tempat Norshahrul Idlan. Dia merupakan seorang striker utama. Ini membuatkan tiada lorongan atau hantaran berkualiti untuk Safee Sali mencipta gol. Bahkan apabila dua striker ini bergandingan, hantaran dari Amirulhadi & S.Kunanlan dari bahagian sayap dan Ismail Faruqi dari tengah amat diperlukan. Namun kekurangan pengalaman Ismail Faruqi menjadi penyebab tiada penjana gerakan yang kreatif di bahagian midfield. Mungkin Datuk K.Rajagobal perlu memasukkan Baddrol Bakhtiar ataupun Ashaari Shamsudin bagi menggantikan Abdul Hadi Yahya yang kaku di separuh masa pertama. Apapun misinya jelas di sini, kita harus mengasak semaksimum mungkin untuk mencari 2 gol yang diperlukan dan barisan pertahanan perlu bersedia menghadapi counter-attack dari Singapura.

Baiklah, separuh masa kedua bermula dengan berjuta harapan dari rakyat Malaysia. Mengharap dan terus mengharap. Harimau Malaya masih lagi dengan barisan pemain yang sama namun permulaan yang positif mula ditunjukkan. Amirulhadi dan S.Kunanlan terus menerus mengasak dari bahagian sayap. Safee Sali yang dikawal ketat sekali sekala melakukan percubaan. Muslim dan Fadhli Shas kekal bertahan di bawah. Namun Abdul Hadi Yahya dan Ismail Faruqi terus tenggelam tatkala pemain Malaysia memerlukan sumbangan dari mereka. Gugup dan sering kehilangan kawalan bola, nyata kita tak boleh mengharapkan sesuatu dari mereka. Ismail Faruqi dikeluarkan dan diganti dengan K.Gurusamy, seorang lagi defensive midfield. Tiada perubahan ditunjukkan dek kerana permainan Amar Rohidan dan Gurusamy terlalu serupa. Kadangkala Safee Sali terpaksa turun ke bawah untuk menampung ruang antara midfield dan striker.

Sehinggalah pada minit ke-57, tanpa disangka, S.Kunanlan dengan larian derasnya berjaya mengelirukan pertahanan Singapura yang menyangka dia telah melakukan foul. Tatkala pengadil meneruskan permainan, S.Kunanlan terus melorongkan bola kepada Safee Sali yang tidak dikawal. Tanpa menunggu, penyerang Pelita Jaya FC itu terus melakukan rembatan kencang melepasi penjaga gol Singapura untuk gol pertama Malaysia. Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil terus bergegar dengan sorakan para penyokong. Gol tersebut ibarat menyuntik semangat pemain Malaysia. Asakan demi asakan terus dilakukan bagi mencari gol kedua ataupun gol penyelamat.

Namun permainan berisiko dari Mahali dan Asrarudin selaku fullback menyebabkan Singapura sentiasa melakukan counter attack. Gemar melakukan larian overlap ketika menyerang namun agak lambat untuk turun bertahan. Nyata apa yang dirisaukan berlaku. Dalam kita ghairah mengasak, pada minit ke-73, kealpaan benteng Malaysia diambil peluang oleh striker MUDA Singapura, Aleksandar Duric. Dengan menggunakan ketinggiannya menghantar bola kepada Shi Jiayi yang melakukan larian dari tengah dan tidak dikawal. Tenang Jiayi membawa bola dan menyudahkannya. Khairul Fahmi tewas kali ni. Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil serta-merta sunyi sedikit. Gol tersebut betul2 menyentap semangat pemain mahupun penyokong Malaysia. Bagi aku, tiada apa lagi yang boleh dilakukan ketika ini. Perjudikan barisan pertahanan, just play all out attack.

Tetapi Singapura jauh lebih bijak dengan permainan psikologi mereka. Setiap kali ditolak jatuh oleh pemain Malaysia, mereka akan meraung kesakitan seolah-olah sudah sampai ajal mereka. LOL. Banyak kali permainan dihentikan akibat gejala yang tidak sihat ini. Secara tak langsung menimbulkan kemarahan penyokong Malaysia yang mula membaling botol ke dalam padang. Sedikit sebanyak taktik Singapura ini kelihatan berjaya dan seolah-olah terus membunuh semangat melawan dari pemain Malaysia. Kemasukan Fakhri Saarani juga tidak membawa apa-apa makna. Hasilnya beliau mengutip kad merah setelah menerima dua kad kuning.

Kedudukan 1-1 kekal sehingga ke wisel penamat. Bermakna Singapura layak ke pusingan seterusnya dengan agregat 6-4. Tahniah buat pemain boroi & pemain pencen dari Singapura. Secara tak langsung, impian kita untuk melihat Malaysia bermain di peringkat lebih tinggi musnah lebur. Kelayakan peringkat kumpulan bukan rezeki kita. Kehampaan jelas terlihat di wajah pemain dan penyokong Malaysia. Langkah longlai bagaikan tak bermaya. Sedih namun jauh di sudut hati mereka, Harimau Malaya tetap di hati. Cuma satu yang aku respek. Walaupun kalah, penyokong Malaysia tetap memberikan standing ovation untuk pemain Malaysia. Cayalah! Semangat camnilah yang kita mau. (dengar2 ada jugak beberapa penyokong yang keluar stadium sebaik saja Singapura mendapatkan gol penyamaan. Betul ke?)

Jujur aku cakap, Singapura main tak hebat manapun. Mereka menang kerana Malaysia gagal beraksi dengan cemerlang layaknya seperti juara Piala AFF. Dengan pemain2 seperti Qiu Li, Shi Jiayi dan Aleksandar Duric, aku yakin diorang ni takkan pergi jauh pun dalam kelayakan peringkat group nanti. Apetah lagi diundi dalam satu kumpulan dengan China, Jordan & Iraq. Dare to bet with me?

Okay. Lupakan Singapura. Perlawanan sudah pun tamat dan pelbagai persoalan mula timbul. Post mortem perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan jawapan.

Bahagian pertahanan semestinya. Mahali-Muslim-Fadhli Shas-Asrarudin. Gandingan 4 pemain ini sudah lama bersama sejak Piala AFF kecuali Mahali yang sekali sekala bertukar dengan Sabre Abu. Inilah pemain2 yang kental bertahan dengan asakan timnas Garuda di Gelora Bung Karno tahun lalu. Tenang merantai pergerakan Cristian Gonzáles & Irfan Bachdim. Namun lain pula cerita tak lama kemudian. Menentang Taiwan, Arsenal, Liverpool dan Singapura khususnya, gawang Malaysia dibolosi sebanyak 20 kali. Disini kredibiliti mereka mula diragui. Ketepikan soal prestasi Khairul Fahmi & Sharbinee kerana kebanyakan gol pihak lawan berpunca hasil kesilapan pemain pertahanan kita sendiri. Pertahanan kita sangat rapuh, kerap kehilangan fokus dan mudah ditembusi. Mereka seringkali terperangkap dengan jerat offside sendiri. Kadang-kadang striker lawan tidak perlu berfikir panjang untuk membaca defensive line Malaysia. Man marking juga sangat lemah terutama dalam kotak penalti. Gol kelima Singapura ketika perlawanan 1st leg mendedahkan segalanya. Mungkin teknik permainan Vidic/Ferdinand, Puyol/Pique atau Terry/Carvalho boleh dijadikan bahan rujukan berguna buat Muslim dan Fadhli Shas.

Dibahagian fullback juga agak bermasalah. Dikatakan lubuk bagi winger pasukan lawan. Memang bagus apabila melihat Asrarudin dan Mahali rajin naik ke atas membantu serangan. Kadang-kala melakukan crossing yang berkualiti untuk Safee Sali. Namun mereka lambat untuk turun bertahan dan ia meninggalkan ruang buat pemain seperti Qiu Li dan Shi Jiayi melakukan counter-attack dari bahagian tepi. Asrarudin harus mengaplikasikan cara permainan Gabriel Heinze manakala Bakary Sagna untuk dicontohi Mahali. Mereka cemerlang dari aspek bertahan dan menyerang.

Jadi perlukah rombakan besar-besaran di bahagian pertahanan? Langsung tidak. Pemain pertahanan kita sangat muda dan mampu digilap untuk masa depan. Namun kehadiran S.Subramaniam ke dalam skuad Malaysia harus dipertimbangkan semula.

Sebenarnya Skuad Malaysia sudah ada pemain2 tunjang seperti Khairul Fahmi, Safee Sali, Safiq Rahim, Norshahrul Idlan dan S.Kunanlan. Bukti, seandainya ada antara pemain ini tidak diturunkan, rentak pasukan kita kelihatan sumbang dan longlai. Aksi di Bukit Jalil adalah kemuncaknya di mana ketiadaan Safiq dan Norshahrul terus diratapi. Kehadiran Ismail Faruqi dan Mohd Hadi hanya untuk membuktikan bahawa mereka masih kekurangan pengalaman beraksi dalam perlawanan antarabangsa. Kemasukan Baddrol Bakhtiar juga mampu membantu tatkala dia kreatif & mempunyai kelincahan seakan Norshahrul Idlan. Tak salah juga jika beberapa pemain skuad Harimau Muda dipanggil sebab ada diantara mereka aku tengok berbakat dan mampu dibentuk menjadi pemain harapan. Wan Zack Haikal ataupun Azwan Roya mungkin? Dalam hal ini, Datuk K.Rajagobal perlu bijak menyesuaikan taktikalnya dengan pilihan pemain yang diturunkan ketika itu. Jangan takut untuk melakukan perubahan drastik andai diperlukan.

Aspek mental pemain juga perlu dititikberatkan. Beraksi dalam tekanan untuk mencari 2 gol tanpa bolos dihadapan lebih 90 000 penonton sendiri, tugas tersebut seakan berat buat pemain kita. Mereka gagal menonjolkan permainan sebenar dan nampak kurang selesa ketika memegang bola. Segala clearance dari bawah cukup untuk sekadar melegakan asakan lawan dan bukan sebagai hantaran untuk melakukan serangan balas. Sentuhan kurang kemas, kegagalan midfield dalam menjana gerakan dan Safee Sali yang kadangkala terpaksa mengorbankan posisinya dalam kotak penalti Singapura untuk turun ke bawah mengutip bola menterjemahkan betapa malam yang serba tak menjadi buat Harimau Malaya. Situasi ini jelas berlainan ketika final Piala AFF di Bukit Jalil tahun lalu di mana kita memulakan perlawanan dengan kedudukan 0-0. Kita memperkotak-katikkan pertahanan Indonesia, mengawal bola dengan penuh keyakinan dan mempamerkan corak permainan counter-attack yang cukup menghiburkan.

Tidak dinafikan juga, permainan psikologi Singapura sebelum & ketika perlawanan benar2 menguji mental para pemain. Aksi primadona mereka di atas padang seolah-olah menyentap sisa perjuangan pemain kita. Acapkali semasa kita ingin melakukan serangan, maka akan kelihatanlah seorang pemain Singapura terbaring kesakitan di tengah padang untuk memberhentikan perlawanan. Ya, kita menyampah. Kita meluat. Kita kecewa dengan permainan busuk dan semangat kesukanan yang ditunjukkan Singapura. Membuktikan bahawa mereka akan melakukan apa sahaja cara sekalipun untuk mempertahankan kelebihan agregat yang mereka miliki. Namun harus diingatkan bahawa apa yang mereka lakukan adalah 'legal' dalam bola sepak. Tidak dinyatakan dalam undang2 bahawa sesebuah pasukan hanya dihadkan untuk cedera beberapa kali sahaja dalam permainan. So, bagi aku Singapura telah bermain taktik kotor yang dibenarkan dalam bola sepak. Ini kenyataan.

Roy Keane, Paolo Maldini, Patrick Vieira, John Terry, Carles Puyol dan Steven Gerrard. Apakah persamaan mereka selain layak berlakon dalam KL Gangster 2? LOL. Mereka adalah antara contoh kapten pasukan yang tegas, agresif dan layaknya digelar general di atas padang. Sentiasa memimpin, menegur kesilapan dan melontarkan kata2 semangat kepada rakan sepasukan dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun. Kelibat mereka kadang-kadang boleh menimbulkan rasa gerun di pihak lawan. Sila tonton European Champions League Final 2005, Liverpool lawan AC Milan sebagai rujukan. Even aku supporter Man Utd, aku tak boleh tipu. Aku kagum dengan sifat kepimpinan Steven Gerrard dalam match ni walaupun mereka ketinggalan 3-0 pada separuh masa pertama. Ternyata, kita tiada pemain dengan ciri2 seperti ini dalam pasukan Malaysia. Disaat pemain kita sedang kehilangan konsentrasi dengan pelbagai aksi negatif pasukan lawan, kehadiran kapten yang berpengaruh amat diperlukan. Pendapat aku Aidil Zafuan lebih sesuai menggalas tugas kapten namun kecederaan sering menghantui beliau. Manakala, kapten Malaysia sekarang, Safiq Rahim perlu lebih memahami gaya kepimpinan berpasukan.

Tidak dilupakan, perancangan jangka masa panjang. Selagi prestasi mereka menyerlah, pemain seperti Safee Sali, Norshahrul Idlan, Khairul Fahmi, Safiq Rahim dan S.Kunanlan harus dikekalkan. Namun jangan pula kita terlepas pandang bakat2 dalam skuad Olimpik bimbingan Ong Kim Swee. Bagi aku mereka adalah asas pasukan negara untuk 5-10 tahun mendatang. Apa yang perlu dilakukan FAM pula adalah meneruskan program pembangunan bakat2 muda. Jangan berhenti dan cepat berpuas hati dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang. Ini penting supaya kita mempunyai bekalan pemain2 muda yang mampu untuk digandingkan dengan pemain senior. Lebih molek sekiranya mereka ini dieksport ke liga luar. Tak perlu jauh, cukup sekitar Asia. Lihat sahaja Safee Sali. Permainannya berada dalam kelas tersendiri sejak berhijrah ke Indonesia. Selepas itu hantar pasukan peninjau untuk memantau prestasi pemain2 kita di luar sana. Kalau bagus, serapkan mereka dalam pasukan kebangsaan dan berikan pendedahan secukupnya terutamanya dalam perlawanan persahabatan bermutu tinggi. Yeah, cadangan di atas mungkin melibatkan belanja yang cukup tinggi. Tapi korang semua boleh berfikir secara rasional akan hasilnya nanti bagaimana kan?

Sayugia diingatkan, bukan senang untuk menarik kehadiran lebih 90 000 penyokong Malaysia ke stadium. Jika FAM masih lagi tidur dan hanya masih bersikap lewa terhadap pembangunan bola sepak negara, tak mustahil stadium akan kembali sunyi selepas ini. Pesanan untuk Datuk K.Rajagobal dan pemain2 negara, lupakan apa yang berlaku di Bukit Jalil tempoh hari. Apa yang penting sekarang ialah bagaimana kita bangkit dari kekalahan tersebut. Persiapan untuk mempertahankan Piala AFF 2012 sepatutnya sudah bermula. Buat penyokong Malaysia, especially yang selalu ke stadium untuk memberi sokongan, korang betul2 buat aku bangga. Masih terngiang suara korang semua sing along lagu Negaraku time match lawan Singapore haritu. Meremang bulu roma aku weh. Salute abis!

Akhir kata, teruskan menyokong bola sepak Malaysia. Ingat, perjalanan kita belum berakhir kerana ia baru sahaja bermula...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Movie Review - Eurotrip

This is one of the most offensive movies I have ever seen. If there was a movie that deserved to be hated, this is it. But I must admit to having laughed hard several times.

As the title implies, the plot is about a journey through the great continent of Europe, making everywhere as a stops from Paris to Bratislava. Scott (Scott Mechlowitz), dumped by his girlfriend, Fiona (Kristen Kreuk) on the day of his graduation, flying to Berlin to look for his online pen pal whom he mistook for another guy named Mike, but actually is an attractive female named Mieke (Jessica Boehrs).

To save money, Scott and his buddy Cooper (Jacob Pitts) fly to London and then proceed to make their way to Germany, meeting up with two of their friends (Travis Wester and Michelle Trachtenberg). On the journey, they confront fearsome French mimes, creepy Italian guys on trains, nude beaches without any women there, frightening Danish sex dungeons and other intolerable displays of people.

By the end of the film, after it has done its best to show every sensibility, nationality and religion, I'm extremely sure that Eurotrip is a most funniest movie but I recommend please leaving before the credits roll. =P

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Reds Model New Gear

When nine of United's first-team squad gathered to model Nike's new line of leisure wear and training kit, ManUtd.com was given unique behind-the-scenes access to the photo shoot.

After spending the morning training with their team-mates at Carrington, Darron Gibson, Fabio, Bebe, John O'Shea, Antonio Valencia, Wes Brown, Tomasz Kuszczak, Jonny Evans and Chris Smalling strode over to the Academy building and onto the indoor football pitch. Set up in the far corner was a photographer's backdrop, a makeshift changing room and a clothes rack full of the latest Nike gear.

The new 2011 range includes hoodies, polos, graphic-print T-shirts, as well as pre-match tops, warm-up jackets and elite training tops. Each item combines cutting-edge style with high-tech performance.

Never shy, Tomasz Kuszczak was first to step in front of the camera and you could tell he was enjoying it. In fact, he was having so much fun the photographer had to ask him to "try and look angry". That only made him laugh more.

The other players then posed – first individually, then as a group – before a select few changed into training gear and joined fitness coach Tony Strudwick for some basic conditioning work.

- Courtesy of ManUtd.com -

KAMI : The Movie Review

As soon as the credits began to roll to Meet Uncle Hussain's "Lagu Untukmu", the audience at the media premiere of KAMI: The Movie burst into applause. True, it wasn't The Dark Knight but it was obvious to everyone in the hall that the film they had just watched was a labour of immense love from creators and co-directors, Effendee Mazlan and Fariza Azlina Isahak.

No doubt, the movie has been a long time coming. First introduced as a TV series, KAMI captured the attention of audiences with its story about five friends - Lynn (Liyana Jasmay), Ali (Syarul Ezani), Sofie (Juliana Evans), Abu (Nas-T) and Adii (Zayanah Ibrahim). Set against the backdrop of the local indie music scene, the gigs and the music served as a reflection of the problems the five characters experience - from drug issues and internet romance, to family struggles and juvenile deliquency. It was a mix that worked extremely well and gained the series thousands of fans. A nationwide gig featuring artistes from the show followed and now, almost two years after its debut, the film.

The movie picks up almost immediately from where the series left off. Besides working on her fanzine, Lynn begins freelancing for Junk magazine. The SPM exams are over and just when she thinks that she can enjoy the blissful months ahead, her peace is disturbed by the re-appearance of Boy (Zahiril Adzim). Abu, on the other hand, runs away from rehab and is desperately trying to keep that a secret from his friends, where else Ali struggles to cope with his parents's divorce.

Without revealing too much of the plot, let's just say that it's your classic coming-of-age tale with local flavour and some welcomed twists. What stood out particularly was how natural and 'real' the script and cast were - nothing was too forced or too cheesy, and there were some subtle jabs at issues that were just so Malaysian (eg, ambulance - watch to know what we mean). There's something familiar in each character, lending the whole movie a very believable air. Nas-T really shines as the joker Abu who can crack a joke even at the most dire of times, and Zahiril Adzim is downright menacing as the ruthless Boy. Admittedly, the more emotional scenes fell flat but hey, the cast is young with room for improvement. It doesn't take away from the fact that this is smart, solid movie that will offer something different.

Cast Liyana Jasmay, Syarul Ezani, Nas-T, Juliana Evans, Zayanah Ibrahim

Director Effendee Mazlan, Fariza Azlina Isahak

The Green Hornet Review

Seth Rogan and Asian superstar Jay Chou star in The Green Hornet, a sometimes funny, mostly unoriginal, and wholly forgettable film.

While rummaging through my brain in an attempt to squeeze the gray matter for just an ounce or two of cleaver witticisms and verbiage to kick off this Green Hornet review, I eventually decided that I was going about it all wrong. Rather than looking for something new and original to write, I should simply delve into my past reviews and find pieces of those articles that seem relevant, then just stream them together with a few jokes thrown in—that would arguably be the most fitting way to write a review for The Green Hornet, a movie that is painfully unoriginal.

That might be a bit harsh. The Green Hornet isn’t a bad movie, it just isn’t a particularly good one either. It has its moments, and it can be entertaining, but it is nothing you haven’t seen before many times, and odds are you will quickly forget everything about it as soon as your brain needs to make room for more important things, like what to buy at the grocery store, or who was eliminated last week on American Idol.

The Green Hornet is in a class with several other movies that straddle the line between comedy and action, as well as the buddy-cop genre (although neither character is a cop, the idea remains). There are a few laughs to be had, and the action can be wild at times if you don’t mind the over the top style. It is hard to have strong feelings about this movie one way or the other. There isn’t anything to really hate, but neither is there much to love. It is the essence of meh.

The Green Hornet returns with his faithful (and far more popular) sidekick Kato!

The name of the Green Hornet is one that has managed to stick around the edges of the pop culture sphere for decades, without ever really commanding much dedication. Some might say that it has a cult following, but that isn’t entirely true. To really justify the title of cult classic, you need fans that remain passionate about the property.The Green Hornet doesn’t really have that any more than the now defunct Pan Am airlines does. Both have carved a place in the history out of their respective fields, and the names still conjure memories, but neither seemed like something that was destined to return.

After the original Green Hornet debuted as a radio serial in the 30s alongside other radio adventures such as The Lone Ranger and The Shadow, it later re-emerged as a TV show that was remembered for one simple reason. The story was forgotten, the gadgets disappeared, but The Green Hornet TV show will forever feature the asterisk that it was Bruce Lee’s first American vehicle. Here in the states Van Williams was the star, as he donned the green mask and fought crime while living his days as a millionaire playboy. But in Asia, the show was renamed The Kato Show, and Bruce Lee was the star. The Green Hornet show lasted only a season, and besides helping launch Bruce Lee’s career in America, it was quickly forgotten by all but the most ardent admirers.

If not for Hollywood’s affinity for remakes, reboots and adaptations, The Green Hornet would likely have been relegated to dredges of TV in the 60s, along with shows like Laugh-In and the Man From U.N.C.L.E. (which coincidentally is also being remade into a TV show). It would have stood as a reminder of the past, and little more, with the possible exception of an odd comic book here and there. But Hollywood despises a void, especially in its collective wallet, so properties that can generate interest from name recognition alone, especially ones that can be totally reworked without offending too many people, are potentially worth their weight in box office gold.

And so, once more The Green Hornet went through the painful Hollywood birth canal. For years the property seemed like it was going to be in theaters at anytime, and several names were attached. At one point or another Jason Scott Lee (who played Bruce Lee playing Kato in the bio-pic Dragon), Greg Kinear, Jet Li, George Clooney, Jake Gyllenhall, and Kevin Smith were all connected to the project in some form. Ideas were tossed around, money was spent in production, but nothing ever came of it until producer Neal Moritz got his hands on the project and brought in Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the writing team behind Superbad and Pineapple Express. Hong Kong superstar Stephen Chow (Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle) was originally brought in to direct and star as Kato, but that too fell through. The point of this history lesson is that the journey for this film was long and perilous.

The story of a man and his much cooler mechanic

Britt Reid (Rogen) is a spoiled brat, whose primary goal in life are partying and annoying his father, James Reid (Tom Wilkinson). James is a billionaire newspaper mogul in Los Angeles that fights corruption through his paper, while Britt parties into the night and frequently appears in his father’s paper, generally in a less than flattering light.

When James dies, Britt is faced with the prospects of running a newspaper empire that he neither wants, nor cares about. He soon meets his father’s old mechanic, Kato, and the two from an unlikely bond, fueled by the fact that neither has even begun to crack their potential. While Britt is intelligent but unmotivated, Kato is a gifted engineer and martial artist that does nothing with either ability.

After a drunken evening, the men head out into the city to cause trouble, but that is interrupted when Britt attempts to stop a mugging. He does so but badly, and Kato quickly comes to his rescue. Together the two relish the excitement of helping people, and Britt then has an idea.

Rather than fighting evil out of altruistic motives, revenge, or a feeling of responsibility, Britt and Kato decide to fight crime because they are bored and think it is fun. Britt decides that they should pose as villains and attack the city’s criminals, claiming to take over while secretly working their way up the underworld and identifying the main threats. It doesn’t take long before the run afoul of the city’s resident kingpin, Chudnofsky (played by Inglorious Basterd’s Christoph Waltz), and Britt and Kato are quickly in way over their heads.

If you don’t like Seth Rogan, if his brand of humor does not appeal to you, then go ahead and take a pass on The Green Hornet. The film is dominated by Rogan and his brand of humor, although much less than in his previous films. The film is a comedy that happens to feature action moments, rather than an action film with comedic elements. Sometimes that works for the movie, sometimes it doesn’t.

The Green Cliche

From almost the first moment of the movie, you know what to expect. The plot is there to push the movie more than to appreciate, and looking too closely at it will reveal the somewhat ridiculous nature of the story. But that’s fine, audiences don’t typically go into these types of movies for a deep look at life, they want explosions and laughs, and that is fair.

There really are no elements here that you haven’t seen before. Attractive love interest played by Cameron Diaz, who also happens to be exceptional and one-of-a-kind despite her humble station in life? Check. Mustache twirling villain (figuratively) with nefarious plans that involve killing lots and lots of people despite all common sense? He’s introduced almost immediately. The mandatory falling out and reconciliation between the two characters? You know it. I could go on, and on. The cliché checklist for this film received a healthy workout, and while there are good moments to The Green Hornet, there really aren’t any original ones. It can quickly get tedious and dull if you aren’t prepared for it.

But again, in theory that is fine. You know what to expect in these types of movies, and The Green Hornet delivers. There are laughs, and there are some neat explosions. Of course, there are also problem. Things happen in the film that are forced, and seem to be rammed in simply to push the plot in ways that it really doesn’t need to go, but feels obligated to. The falling out between Britt and Kato, which I would label as a spoiler if it wasn’t so obviously coming, is totally unnecessary and serves no real purpose, and there are a few other moments like that. Big chunks of the film could be removed and the story wouldn’t even notice they were gone. The worst of it is that there is an interesting dynamic between Britt and Kato that is never fully realized. Maybe in a sequel.

All of that would be fine, but at points these forced additions to the film make for boring stretches, which seem to ignore all the fun of the movie and skip past all the humor to deliver faux-serious stakes to a movie that neither needs, nor wants them. It is easy to overlook all the clichés. It is not a problem that the story treads over ground so familiar you can almost guess the entire rest of the movie by the half way point, but the forced additions nearly derail the movie and bring all the flaws directly to the surface.

There is enough to like in The Green Hornet that you might still find yourself rooting for the characters, but you can’t help but feel underwhelmed by the lack of originality. The action does help make up for it, but there you won’t have much invested in the movie by the time it ends.

Directed by Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind), The Green Hornet is also heavily touting its 3D. While it was not filmed with 3D cameras, but rather converted in post production, Gondry planned ahead and shot the movie with depth in mind. As a result, it is a decent movie to watch in 3D even though it really doesn’t benefit much from it. If you only see it in 2D, then you really won’t be missing much.

Visually the film looks good, and from a technical standpoint, it is well handled. The sound is also fine, so no worries there.

The Green Hornet, starring Seth Rogen as Seth Rogen!

While Rogen exudes the quintessential bumbling charm that has given him that harmless and likeable vibe in all his films, it is somewhat out of place in this movie. Britt is a playboy, totally irresponsible and foolish. Rogen plays that well because he wrote the role for himself, but the character is the sore thumb sticking out of this movie. He comes across as petulant and annoying more than once, and his “gee-whiz” awe at Kato’s gadgets gets old. At times it is hard to root for him, especially against the far more interesting, and yet far less explored character of Kato.

Britt Reid’s journey from waste of skin to bona fide hero is the main character arc that courses through this movie, which is not as interesting as you might hope. On the other hand, Kato begins as a hero without a quest, and easily slides into the role. Kato is by far the more interesting character, and Jay Chou steals the show. Unfortunately the character is badly under utilized at times, and ends up in the role of competent foil to Britt, which undermines the development of Kato.

Chou makes his American film debut with The Green Hornet, and to many he is an unknown–which is insane when you contrast his fame in Asia, where he is one of the most popular singers on the planet. Chou has released an album roughly every year since 2000, and each one has sold into the millions. Along the way he has won four World Music Awards as well. Recently he decided to try out acting—just for kicks—and in just his third role as Prince Jai in Curse of the Golden Flower, he was nominated for best supporting actor by the Hong Kong Film Awards. He then went on to direct, again, just ‘cuse.

Chou is charismatic despite some awkwardness which likely stems from the language barrier– when he began work on the film he did not speak a word of English. Although Kato is a martial arts expert, Chou himself has surprisingly never studied any form of martial arts, except for acting roles, which is impressive given his results in the film.

Rogen and Chou don’t have the same easy chemistry that most characters in similar stories display. There are probably plenty of reasons why, but the most obvious seems to be that Rogen is on screen more than he should be, which naturally pushes Kato off of it. It isn’t that Rogen is bad in the film, it is just that his character takes far too long to become worth rooting for. The occasional gag and one liner helps, but they sometimes feel forced, even when they are funny.

As a villain, Waltz does what he is asked with the eeeeevil bad guy, Chudnofosky, or “Blood-nofsky” as he later demands that he be addressed in order to seem scarier. But you know everything you need to know about him in his first scene. Waltz is good, but forgettable in the cliché wrapped motivations and dialogue of the character.

By far the most obvious problem with the film is Cameron Diaz, who only seems to be in the movie as a favor to Rogen or the studio. Her character of Lenore “Casey” Case is painfully underdeveloped, and Diaz is wasted in the role. When she first appears as Britt’s temporary secretary, there are a few very funny gags, but the character is there almost entirely as a plot device to unwittingly help the Green Hornet and Kato along, then to act as a sort of bizarre love interest. Except for her impact on the plot, the character could easily, very easily, have been removed from the story without hurting the plot.

It is possible that the studio brought in Diaz because a lesser known actress would have disappeared into the black hole of the character. Diaz is fine, but the character is terrible. There are hints that Casey has a much deeper backstory, but they never bother to discuss it. It’s a shame too, because there seems to be more to her story that may have ended up on the cutting room floor.


The Green Hornet is a decent movie that follows a pattern so closely that it becomes swallowed by it. The take on the deconstruction of the superhero is a fun idea, and the dynamic of Kato and the Green Hornet is interesting—if not all that surprising or original. The best thing this film has going for it is the potential that it could have in a future installment. Now that the obligatory origin story and bonding between Kato and Britt has been accomplished, a sequel could actually be fairly good.

Despite its problems, the stars of the film breathe just enough life into the characters to keep you interested, even with all the issues that are hard to ignore. If you like Rogen as an actor, then you will enjoy this film. If you don’t, you will leave bored. Chou has the daunting challenge ahead of him of breaking into Hollywood, and despite how his current role might appear, he does so without the mandatory skill set that is sadly required of most Asian actors looking for success in America–that of being a trained martial artist. He has the potential for stardom though.

The Green Hornet is good for a mindless hour and a half of your time, even though a month from now you will probably have forgotten all about it.


Some truly funny moments. A wildly over the top, but entertaining final battle.


An unoriginal plot. Too much Britt, not enough Kato. Cameron Diaz is relegated to being a plot device.

Linkin Park Aims To Tour Big

Bigger is better for Linkin Park's Chester Bennington -- when it comes to touring, anyway.

"Playing in an arena is probably the best possible scenario for a band," suggests the 34-year-old vocalist. 

"You get everything in that kind of environment. There's an intimacy that you can still have with fans -- there's the sides, so a lot of people can be there -- as well as the way that the sound and everything works. The lights, the production -- you really get engrossed in the performance of a band, and that, to me, is the ideal scenario.

"When you get down to the smaller venues, you run into a lot of problems ... especially when you have six guys in the band and all the crap we have to carry around. There's an intimacy to that, too, but you definitely have to work ... But we all love playing smaller places and having people right up in your face. There's nothing quite like that experience, too.

"So I think they're both really, really great, but you can have a better show in an arena, even if it's a bad band. It's just kind of a better experience."

So far, the band's latest tour seems to be as good as his word. The first shows on the North American trek have garnered positive reviews, both for a set list that integrates their aggressive rap-metal hits with the artier fare from their 2010 concept album A Thousand Suns, and for the massive high-tech spectacle that accompanies it.

Canadian fans can judge for themselves -- and go home with a free MP3 of the gig -- when the California sextet play Montreal's Bell Centre on Feb. 7 and Toronto's Air Canada Centre the following night. But first, Bennington and bandmate Mike Shinoda -- LP's MC, main musical multi-tasker and in-house producer -- sat for a conference call with music journos. Here's some of what they said:

On the making of A Thousand Suns

Bennington: When we're working on an album, we really are focused on what is best for the songs. This is the first time we really have kind of gotten into the idea of what we would like the entire album to feel like, to a certain degree. Usually we work on songs individually and we do what's best for the song. And, hopefully, what we do at the end of the day is we make a good song. And when we have an album like this, A Thousand Suns, where the songs really work united with each other, we wanted to have a vibe. We kind of knew that conceptually to a certain degree we wanted the album to be presented as a piece of art as a whole rather than a collection of songs.

Shinoda: The pacing of this album is meant to hearken back to the records of more the '70s than the '60s or '80s. But that kind of pacing, that kind of feel, it's almost more cinematic in my opinion ... The approach is to try and make it almost more visual, to really pace it in a way that it paints a picture. It's not about hitting you with pop songs. It's about taking you on this journey from beginning to end.

On their musical evolution

Shinoda: As the years go on, we're learning new things. We're changing. We're listening to different music. We're playing different instruments (and) interested in talking about different things, so all of that stuff gets mixed into the pot and, at the end of the day, the music is built partially upon all of that stuff.

On the band's creative give-and-take

Bennington: One of the things that works really well for Linkin Park is the fact that the guys really kind of look at things from completely perspectives a lot of times. That gives us an opportunity to see things in a much deeper way. Our styles are different when we work individually ... but when we get together, something really special happens, and I think it's an outside kind of perspective onto a single piece of work. (Mike and I are) both working intimately on the lyrics, but then you have another person to come in and look at it and go, "You know, I'm not feeling this line. This seems a little obvious or cliché; let's find a better way of saying that" ... We do the same thing musically. We're all looking at every little piece so intently, almost to the point of ad nauseam, that we kind of want to take criticism in a very constructive way and we kind of expect the best out of ourselves and, hopefully, that translates into the music.